Tuesday 30 December 2008


In the morning, when I had a thought of sleeping,
My imagination suddenly started leaping.
To nowhere certain,
It just kept taking turn after turn.
No fixed path did it follow,
But definately it wasnt hollow.
It made me fly in the sky high,
No, I dint have to do anything, I dint even try.
Miles and miles I traveled unknowingly,
Eventhough I was alone, never did I feel lonely.
No words can describe what all I saw,
But sometimes I wish I could draw.
Then I would show you a face I can never forget.
In my imagination it is forever set.
Always a source of inspiration,
It will be with me till from Earth I get termination.
So many faces did I cross,
Some even sent me for a toss.
But then there was this face,
Whose competition could never be traced.
Because it was a one in infinity,
Even beautiful than the trinity.
It would give you peace at first glance,
But am not sure if life would give you a chance,
To see something greater than the cosmic view,
And if you get one, you will know how true,
Is each and every word I said.
There wont be any urge or need to look ahead.
Nothing else will seem as beautiful,
and towards itself it will always pull,
One who has seen it even once,
And be there to support you in all your troubled months.
Because that would be the only reason you will work,
And would mark the end of your search,
Of that perfect life you ever wanted,
Every wish you ask, would be granted.
You would enjoy each and every moment of your life,
Just like you are free falling or sky dive.
Each moment you live would be endless fun,
And you would feel you are the chosen one.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! Very nice! Very interesting concept of combining imagination and inspiration. Nice play of words as well.
    Just a suggestiong though! Halfway though the writeup your character changes references. It starts by refering to itself and then refers to a third party. It would have been better if the consistency in adressing would have been maintained.
