Saturday, 5 September 2015

His Monologues

Talking to the wine expert,
He again heard what he already heard,
"Wine - it get's better with time."
Pat he replied, "But doesn't time get better with wine?"
All in the audience smiled a bit,
But there was a smile that went unnoticed.

Things would have been different,
If he would have noticed that grin.
Perhaps that wasn't to be,
Or else the universe would have made him see?

Frank Sinatra had a few regrets he once said,
I wonder if they were big enough to make him dread?
I guess even with regrets it's not always quantity, but quality.
Perhaps having a few crazy ones is better than having a sea.

"What? What are you mumbling?
Frank Sinatra? Wine? Smiling?
Wake up! You have none right now.
Go to the shed and milk the cow!"

Making his coffee he had another dumb monologue with himself,
"Jesus made wine from water; I made coffee from water - now no rest."

Working in the shed, he had a blissful thought,
"For what is a man, what has he got..."

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