Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Barren Earth

And the Earth that was once green,
Colour on it can now be hardly seen...
Its slowly turning dry... completely barren...
Because for ages it hasn't
Seen a tiny drop of water,
and each day is turning harder...
For it to put on the layer of fake colour,
Searching for water from one place to another.
Soon they say a time will come,
When this earth will look towards the Sun,
And ask it to keep creating a mirage,
So that the earth can keep its heart large,
And welcome even the tiny water drop,
With so much love and care that it wouldnt ever stop,
Raining again, and this land eventhough cant,
Keep away those dark memories that haunt,
Will create a colour that supersedes white or black,
And give this world something it never had,
A new colour, full of hope, happiness and honesty,
That is seen as its own, by all humanity...

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