Sunday, 25 December 2011

Home - Mumbai

Sitting here, by the seaside,
I go in to flashback in my ride,
From where I am today in this living world,
To a time where internet and work life was completely unheard.

It seems like I was here ages ago,
Or was it in a past birth I don't know.

Little things around here that make me nostalgic,
Things that were once a daily habit,
Make me realise how I have evolved as a person,
From what in this vast time I have learnt.

What I have learnt, I don't know if it makes me good or bad,
Or experiencing it made me glad or sad,
But it does make me want to,
Come back and live my life by the sea soon.

There is something about this place and this sea,
That was, is, and will always be a part of me.
A part of me that so strongly controls my emotions,
That I find peace even in this commotion.

This place, was once my home and now I visit it only once in a blue moon.
And although, now I don't plan what I do,
And take each day as it comes,
At the back of my mind this thought always runs,
A thought full of genuine hope,
This place would one day again be my home.

Something I wrote sitting by the sea in Mumbai, close to Nariman Point.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

In the air?

And in the air the barren earth,
Can sense a voice it has before heard...
Saying that the thunder you yearn for,
That heavy downpour...
Is on its way to your land...
Untouched by any other hand...
It has saved each of its water drop,
to drench you completely from bottom to the top...
You dont have to search for it anymore...
Soon it will be knocking on your door...
Just respect it and appreciate it when it arrives...
It would then keep you drenched for your whole life...

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Barren Earth

And the Earth that was once green,
Colour on it can now be hardly seen...
Its slowly turning dry... completely barren...
Because for ages it hasn't
Seen a tiny drop of water,
and each day is turning harder...
For it to put on the layer of fake colour,
Searching for water from one place to another.
Soon they say a time will come,
When this earth will look towards the Sun,
And ask it to keep creating a mirage,
So that the earth can keep its heart large,
And welcome even the tiny water drop,
With so much love and care that it wouldnt ever stop,
Raining again, and this land eventhough cant,
Keep away those dark memories that haunt,
Will create a colour that supersedes white or black,
And give this world something it never had,
A new colour, full of hope, happiness and honesty,
That is seen as its own, by all humanity...

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Crazy People

So when you say to me,
"You seriously are crazy",
I just am happy to see,
So many beings,
Are crazy enough to know,
How crazy i can be...

And then I turn,
turn to you to ask...

My dear friend,
aren't you crazy too?
Who around us isn't?
And if you think,
that you aren't crazy,

We both know,
deep down somewhere,
everyone knows this,
we all are crazy!

Sunday, 25 September 2011


And I wait,
Wait for it to pour,
Pour down so heavily,
It silences all uproars

That are burning,
Inside me for so long,
24 years it has been,
Waiting for the song.

That would fill up,
The emptiness in me,
And seed the growth,
Of an ever growing tree...

Which may or may not bring
Luxuries, to make me a king,
But atleast make me realise,
Why is it that I am living...

This one is kind of a continuation from the last one... Fires

Saturday, 24 September 2011


What my heart wants I dont know,
And well, it neither is ready to show.

I try to tame it like a circus lion,
But by then in it has started a deep fire,
That even gallons of water cant estinguish.
But being able to douse this fire I can only wish.
Because all I am able to sprinkle is just a few droplets,
Hoping this would be enough to make the fire rest.

Searching for its source keeps me so engaged,
That I cant see the fire further enrage.

And then as usual, there is an explosion,
And like everytime, of me I lose a portion.

Till when would this keep going on I wonder,
Would there one day be a lightening or a thunder?
That would make it pour so heavily,
dousing all the fires, and filling again the portions I lost of me...

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Comfort of Questions

I sit here and just start to write,
Already I am looking for some light,
On how would this rhyme end?
Would I get answers to questions unsaid?

Each day brings so many questions to me,
Someday I will answer them maybe...

But for now I have collected them and made a mattress,
Of something that would otherwise cause stress.
And appear to be having the time of my life,
Knowing this that one day I have to strive...
To answer every question that makes my life cushioned.
But for now, I will let this rhyme end...

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Reflecting on a thought

Its strange, how one moment I know you,
The other moment you are someone new.

I stare at you to try to read what is on your mind.
But all I find are more questions to be answered.

And all of a sudden I find myself in a different world.
All I can see is just you... nothing can be heard.

It feels like I spend a lifetime each second I see you.
In a few moments thousands of doors I pass through...

Each door I pass through, I see the same face...
I look for one single thing, or just a trace.

Who you actually are, I wish to know...
A foe, friend or something more...

But then tired of waiting for an answer from you,
I move away from you my reflection... who I thought I knew...

Friday, 29 July 2011

The Bus Journey

Everyday I get up hoping this day is going to be amazing...
Thinking about this I spend a few more seconds...
And soon the day starts like a Bus ready for its journey...
Not knowing how many miles before its journey would end...

Somedays it covers just a few hundred miles...
but on its way makes all people smile...
On other days it travels miles so many that you cant count...
If this journey affects anybody on the way... I doubt...

But when the journey ends the driver talks to the bus...
"Lets see how much did you rust... and if you re covered with any dust..."
And after looking at what the bus has gone through during the day...
The driver tells the bus... "Go take a few hours of rest if you may...
Tomorrow is going to be another day I can't say how long...
And every morning when you say this, I dont think it is wrong..."

"Everyday I get up hoping this day is going to be amazing...
Thinking about this I spend a few more seconds...
And soon the day starts I the Bus am ready for its journey...
Not knowing how many miles before its journey would end..."

Friday, 22 July 2011


And i ran...
Ran like a rabbit free from its cage...
I ran after something i dont know what...
Just running for that time made me so happy
Such joy i cant describe in words
I just know one thing...
I just ran...
And i ran Like a rabbit... free from its cage...

Thursday, 7 July 2011


Something I wrote for my Ma when I was studying in Leeds... I think I wrote this in the beginning of January 2010

i sit down under this yellow light,
and i wish if only today i might,

be able to write my feelings in words,
for someone who brought me into this world...

the most beautiful lady i have ever known,
someone who before i was born, was my own...

someone i will adore and love always,
no matter how many girls cross my way...

my sweet and lovely dear mother,
today i am trying to overcome all hurdles...

and write what you mean to me in my life,
you ll always be first, even if i ever have a wife...

sitting in this place, that is still new,
i still dont understand, how god crafted you...

and made you so strong yet so caring,
doesnt it sound like a strange pairing?

listening to your voice, or just seeing you,
makes me believe that you are here for true...

right beside me as if am sleeping in your lap,
these miles in between cant act as a gap...

between a mother and a son,
so with the rhyme am i done?

no not yet, i still can write,
about the lady who brought me to life...

each time i keep my head on your palm,
all tensions vanish, i am again calm...

i miss that touch and wish to earn it back,
god gives me a push, whenver in me motivation lacks...

always be with you ma...i wish i had this luck ...
and get from you whenever i want momma's hug...

i really miss you a lot when i am alone,
you know during this time, to think i am prone...

but you know and so do i,
this time shall fly by ...

and i shall be again with my first lady,
who brought me up right from when i was a baby ...

i love you ma and will always love you,
i am working my best to make your wishes come true...

so much have you seen and suffered till today,
and from our god i only pray...

to give you and pa all the happiness and joy,
and to help you with that, god has sent this toy...

who writes this poem he doesnt know why?
because even if my best i try,

no words can tell the feelings of a son,
even when i feel the poem is perhaps done ...

Saturday, 2 July 2011

My Secret World

In this big world full of people...
I have this small world of my own...
Which in this fast moving world
Is sometimes to even me unknown...

I enter and exit this world of mine...
When for myself i have exclusive time...

There are no spaces or boundaries...
I can live in this world totally free...

Even in a crowd of hundreds...
Me inside my world can go unnoticed...

When i am living in my little world
I find peace around me even in thousands of words

It feels like i have traveled into time...
No one around me can see me...

But there was this empty chair left at the corner...
Did someone think I was going to wander?

Maybe its just the world moving around me...
And I have paused so that this moment i can feel...

And experience again this world that went in hiding...
That has revealed itself again after this mining...

Monday, 27 June 2011

Abrupt Ending

Sometimes I wish things that could be endless...
are sooner than expected put to rest...
all of a sudden an abrupt ending...
things in my mind that could have made history... still pending...

hoping that sometime in the near future...
this lesson acts as my tutor...
i live the moment to the fullest...
and not fly back in to my nest...

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Dream World

Sometimes i wish i could talk to you for ages...
Like time limits, there wouldnt be any cages
I could talk to you without any fear...
Just the same you be far or near...
That everything around us would pause...
And our conversations would be the cause...
I hope that such a dream...
Would one day like reality seem...
Till then i shall fall back into reality...
And donate these thoughts to someone else as charity...

Friday, 25 March 2011


Everyday I see things I hadnt ever seen,
Going places to which I hadnt ever been.
Both harsh lands and and lands that are green,
Everyday I understand what things around me mean.
To know more I am always keen.
Wondering if that is perhaps in my genes?
Although i am the same person it might seem,
Everyday I get to know a new part of me...

Tuesday, 15 March 2011


and i close my eyes...
hoping to see a surprise...

when i wake up again...
life around me sans any pain...

i wish if going to sleep,
could help me keep...
all the hatred and pain i see...
buried deeper than roots of a tree...

if each smile could...
from this rain give hood...
to those getting wet in this shower,
of suffering and thirst for power...

if dreams that i thought as a child,
would someday not sound wild...
be instead the world i could call real...
with everything around me clear...

till then i shall keep trying,
closing my eyes, hoping...

when i wake up again...
life around me sans any pain...