Saturday, 21 September 2019

Are You Listening?

Imagine if 70% of your body,
The water in your body was reduced to 10-20%.
What would life be like?

Like a desert?

That's what's slowly happening in the tropics,
The reservoirs of water, 
the trees by the rivers,
Over the last few decades,
Have been chopped down senselessly.

Rivers that flowed happily all year long,
Now parched, reduced to a seasonal affair,
Are calling out in despair.

Cauvery is calling.
Are you listening?

Copy and paste this in your browser to know of one way to help if you'd like to:

Monday, 29 July 2019

Life Death

Life's too short,
Oh brothers and sisters,
To the stranger,
To the one you love.

What's the guarantee,
Them again you will see?
Be kind.

You might be the last person they see,
Or of the one they dream.
You might be the last person they talk to,
You maybe the one of few they do to.

There isn't enough time,
Enough time to get bitter and contemplate.
Act now, be here, now, before it's too late.

You may call this morbid,
Or me cynical,
But oh dear brothers and sisters,
The only truth of life, is death.

Sunday, 19 May 2019

Inward Bound

From illusion to disillusion,
From disillusion to dissolution,
That is what life is about.

It could take a second,
Or many more,
It could take a lifetime,
Or many more.

A self-made cage,
with sticky tape on it.
The longer you wait,
The more things keep sticking,
And the cage starts to look,
Like all there is to life.

Till one day, a ray of light,
Pierces through what's stuck on the surface.
And when you get to peak through the hole,
You realise what a fool you have been!
There is more to life than you have or can see.

The only way out of this prison,
Is going in.
No, not in the cage,
You already are there!
More inward, in you.

Countless journeys you may take,
To lands far and near,
But the truth they say,
You don't have to move,
It's all here.

So as Jalaluddin Rumi ,
I too ask you,
"And you?
When will you begin that long journey inward?"