Saturday, 31 December 2016

Explorations of a Homely Being

I have a very big house,
I haven't seen it completely.
I was exploring it, but got bored.
Through the walls, out I tore...
And wandered into the unknown woods

How far am I from home?
Will I remember the way back?

Just then I saw this wonderland,
Walking through it,
I explored the games,
the bright lights at night.
Everyone seemed so... happy.
Is this what heaven is?
Can I stay here?

But I was just an explorer,
Or perhaps only an observer.
I knew this isn't where I belong.

Where do I belong?

Can I find my way back to my big house?
Is there another path to it I don't know of?
Only one way to find out...
Let's start walking.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Movement in Stillness

People may talk of importance of stillness,
But with stillness, movement is important too.

Perhaps movement is more important.

Movement in your stillness,
Movement, in this moment to the next.

In both journeys, internal and external,
If you ever turn back, no two moments must be the same.

But if at some juncture you are stuck,
Something unknown, unexplained, is stopping you,
From the next stage to make it through,
Pause for a moment and feel,
Either your internal or external journey,
Will still have it's wheels turning.

Don't wait for the other to get mobile,
Hop on to the moving wagon.
Hoping the other journey will restart at some point again,
And will catch up. Even if it means, it has to fly.

Sunday, 31 January 2016

An Apple Like Me

As I lay under the tree,
I saw this apple staring at me.

We started a conversation,
Both talking about our lives.

After a while both of us realised,
We were but brothers in disguise.

Here's what the apple told me:

I was once a seed,
and then slowly grew into what you see.
Some of my friends rot.
I was lucky, I did not.
Some of us look similar,
but when we ripen - so different.
Soon .I will fall down,
Maybe on you! Feel free to eat me!
Most of the times when we are eaten,
people throw away the seeds.
But some, bury the seeds in the ground.
And a few lucky ones grow up into this kind of a tree.
In who's shade someone like you will lie, and talk to an apple like me.