Sitting here I think "what's the use",
The use of anything.
What is wrong today, maybe right tomorrow,
What was false yesterday, is true today.
This life, each moment so different from each other.
Not one similar at all to any other.
Some giving a sense of déjà vu for sure,
But almost all as new and fresh as an unread newspaper
What was yesterday's headline is stale news today.
Today's headline is stale already. It is.
And tomorrow's will always be a mystery.
Tomorrow and change - always permanent.
What I do know is that now exists.
This very moment, when I write. Endlessly.
And why not? This moment gone by,
Won't ever in the future come back again to say hello.
And you being here or not, you are still as important,
And will be always as important if not more.
I lie down, sit or walk along the sea face,
Each moment leaves nothing of you, but a trace.
As always I sit and watch these moments walk by.
Sometimes even still or sprinting before my eyes.
What stays permanent isn't visible, not even to me.
Is it a smile remembering the good times?
Or that salty drop of water, thinking of troubled ones?
Nope. Neither. Just a straight face is all that is there.
The past - seems someone else's story - a different birth maybe.
Future, I don't imagine - imaginations don't turn to reality.
Although sometimes I wonder if some of them knock again,
And aren't the present, but just a trailer I have previously watched?
I won't ask you the usual questions, I may not have till now.
Oh no, I won't ever will I guess. It's difficult to change afterall...
But then I was different before, so who knows!
I do know, if not the worldly charms one sees today,
Simplicity, innocence, love, truth and honesty.
Yea they will be guests who have confirmed their permanent presence.
A laugh, a chuckle, a little complication
All acting as motivation. To make us see.
Or is it just me thinking out loud?
Whatever we're looking for - the real reality,
No we don't need to wait for it my love,
All that is and will be here has always been and will be there.
Wherever we are, it doesn't change.
How fast we go, where we go, it's just, there.
Believe in you. Believe in me.
This belief is older than the oldest tree.
Today this belief, is nothing but a rarity.
Come fly with me - just change your destination.
My friends have already been where I want to take you.
They all just used one word to describe that place - true.
Each time they said this, I dreamed of paradise.
And although I haven't ever been there.
Just thinking that I have the abilities to go there.
Oh darling, I was just feeling good.
Take the leap, fly with me.
Freedom from all bonds and boundaries they say is guaranteed.
So where is this place?
Just beyond the horizon.
The use of anything.
What is wrong today, maybe right tomorrow,
What was false yesterday, is true today.
This life, each moment so different from each other.
Not one similar at all to any other.
Some giving a sense of déjà vu for sure,
But almost all as new and fresh as an unread newspaper
What was yesterday's headline is stale news today.
Today's headline is stale already. It is.
And tomorrow's will always be a mystery.
Tomorrow and change - always permanent.
What I do know is that now exists.
This very moment, when I write. Endlessly.
And why not? This moment gone by,
Won't ever in the future come back again to say hello.
And you being here or not, you are still as important,
And will be always as important if not more.
I lie down, sit or walk along the sea face,
Each moment leaves nothing of you, but a trace.
As always I sit and watch these moments walk by.
Sometimes even still or sprinting before my eyes.
What stays permanent isn't visible, not even to me.
Is it a smile remembering the good times?
Or that salty drop of water, thinking of troubled ones?
Nope. Neither. Just a straight face is all that is there.
The past - seems someone else's story - a different birth maybe.
Future, I don't imagine - imaginations don't turn to reality.
Although sometimes I wonder if some of them knock again,
And aren't the present, but just a trailer I have previously watched?
I won't ask you the usual questions, I may not have till now.
Oh no, I won't ever will I guess. It's difficult to change afterall...
But then I was different before, so who knows!
I do know, if not the worldly charms one sees today,
Simplicity, innocence, love, truth and honesty.
Yea they will be guests who have confirmed their permanent presence.
A laugh, a chuckle, a little complication
All acting as motivation. To make us see.
Or is it just me thinking out loud?
Whatever we're looking for - the real reality,
No we don't need to wait for it my love,
All that is and will be here has always been and will be there.
Wherever we are, it doesn't change.
How fast we go, where we go, it's just, there.
Believe in you. Believe in me.
This belief is older than the oldest tree.
Today this belief, is nothing but a rarity.
Come fly with me - just change your destination.
My friends have already been where I want to take you.
They all just used one word to describe that place - true.
Each time they said this, I dreamed of paradise.
And although I haven't ever been there.
Just thinking that I have the abilities to go there.
Oh darling, I was just feeling good.
Take the leap, fly with me.
Freedom from all bonds and boundaries they say is guaranteed.
So where is this place?
Just beyond the horizon.