Sunday, 11 May 2014

Van Brandt Pt II

As the tower bell rings,
and to the violinist's tune we sing,
Van Brandt climbs the tower and sits on the ridge,
Of this tower which stands on the edge of Charles Bridge.
He watches as hundreds of people cross the river,
to this side and that, without a quiver.

Why this bridge and not any other?
It is afterall not a lover.

Few men chose and others followed,
Seems like most of us are afterall that hollow.

But then Van Brandt smiled because he realised,
Something that perhaps wasn't a surprise.
That he too like the hundreds of other men and women,
Will also have to cross the bridge in the end.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Van Brandt Pt I

Van Brandt,
He Ran.
He ran across the bridge,
And hid inside the windmill.
Through the window on the top floor,
He looked at the world he thought he had known.

Playing the violin he would attract admirers,
But would change the tune when someone came near.
He would run down the stairs,
Across the several stares.
And jump into the canal to be with the ducks,
Trying to runaway, he'd try his luck.

On the other side he met familiar faces,
Among whom he found traces,
Of the past he hoped would flow into his future,
Long forgotten, almost unknown creatures.
They sat and ate desserts of ginger and cinnamon,
The time they spent together, like before, was amazingly fun.

But then the time limit given to them,
Alas, came to an end.
Which made Van Brandt feel sad,
Because he genuinely enjoyed the time he had.
He wished he could have stayed there forever,
Who knows if he will see the creatures again ever.

So then Van Brandt,
He ran.
He ran across the bridge,
And hid inside the windmill.