Sunday, 27 October 2013

One Moment

In one moment,
Life can be so different.

One moment, I think of sitting with you,
Another moment, I am in a place so new.

One moment, I feel secure,
Another moment, I get charmed by your lure.

One moment, I see an angel in your reflection,
Another moment, the devil without a mention.

One moment, we dance in love together,
Another moment, your thunder changes the weather.

One moment, I am not in control,
Another moment, I play the masters role.

One moment, I become aggressive,
Another moment, to peace I am submissive.

One moment, I feel I am going to cry,
Another moment, your music makes me high.

One moment, I try to think of more rhymes,
Another moment, I leave it for another time.

In one moment,
Life can be so different.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Detour to Dreams?

एक छोटे से बच्चे के मन में था एक ख्वाब,
बड़े होकर जिस इंडस्ट्री में काम करते हैं अमिताभ,
उस इंडस्ट्री में बड़ा आदमी बनेगा,
जैसे पापा कहते हैं, बड़ा नाम करेगा।

लेकिन जल्दबाज़ी में उसने गलत ट्रेन पकड़ ली,
बॉम्बे से दिल्ली, and then लन्दन after दिल्ली।

लन्दन में उसे लगा की जैसे कुछ अधूरा है,
फिर मालूम पड़ा, की दिल तोह साला अब भी बॉम्बे में पड़ा है!

सब खराब लगने लगा, अरे नहीं चाहिए थी उसे पौड वाली cream,
कि एक दिन उसने कहीं सुना, "Things are never as bad as they seem."
और नया दिल बनाने की कोशिश में लग गया वह छाबिसी,
इस अब भी अंजान शहर में ढूँढने लगा वोह हँसी।

फिर एक दिन, उसने बॉम्बे के डिब्बे में छुपी एक कहानी सुनी,
उस परदे के धागों से एक सपनो की कहानी बुनी।  
और अब उसके मन  में हर पल येही बात रहती है,
"कभी कभी गलत ट्रेन भी सही जगह पहुंचा देती है।"

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Stairway to Heaven?

walking by the sea shore,
I found this door,
covered in the sand, easy to miss,
thinking, who would have left this,
door in this sand, i started to lift,
the door to see what lies beneath it.
like all stories, there was a staircase,
but there was a door sign in this case,
'stairway to heaven', said the sign,
i still laugh at that writing this rhyme.
how could a staircase going down, 
to the heaven instead rebound?
I have always learnt that heaven is up there,
would I actually reach there should i dare?
but then what if heaven is not in the sky,
but somewhere deep down it resides?
and isn't like the people think it is, 
and there aren't any angels that kiss.
so intrigued was I that I decided,
the stairway can no longer hide it,
closing the door behind me i went down the staircase,
so that the sand can once again hide the door's face.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

The Silhouette of the Known Unknown

From far I saw this silhouette,
of someone I thought I had met.
at once I started to search,
in mind's little church,
"where have I seen this shadow before?
does it belong to someone I know?"
just then the figure started running,
towards me, soon I could see a forming.
that was good enough to remember,
but not good enough, even for an ember.
so I stood there waiting for the etching,
to turn into a portrait I was searching.
just as the profile was almost visible,
I had to leave my curiosity in the middle,
and rush back to my home again,
I made it in time in the end.
in the heat of the revelation of the being,
I forgot I had left the water to boil for my tea...