Sunday, 27 May 2012

I know

To feel lonely in a crowd,
To hear silence really loud,
I know.

To read empty pages,
To lose when you think you made it,
I know.

To feel sadness in happiness,
To feel calm when I am stressed,
I know.

To see feelings in your eyes,
To see them turn lies,
I know.

To keep clinging on something meant to let go,
To cry in this life's comedy show,
I know.

To be fake to someone true to you,
To hope this wont be true,
I know.

To see darkness in light,
To find peace in a fight,
I know.

To find sense in nonsense,
To make peaceful matters tensed,
I know.

To hope the never ending to end,
To hope for a broken heart to mend,
I know.

To sense a message in the air,
To hope it is one in despair,
I know.

To keep believing on losing,
In shame find confidence oozing,
I know.

To know the permanence of change,
To act calm in rage,
I know.

To go to sleep when I am alive,
To kill these words of mine,

I know.

Friday, 25 May 2012


When I met you the last time,
I felt like I had dived,
In this ocean full of love,
An Ocean I hadn't seen in my life before,
Eventhough I had many times visited this coast...

Now I am in the mountains,
Busy with my meditation,
That this breeze reaches me,
And hits me with this tree...
Giving me a sign that the ocean has dried,
Hearing which I inside myself terribly cried...

Everytime I would come to the coast,
Not receiving your love, I would loathe...
So was it that when we met last,
That around me a love nest you cast?

I was hoping to see the ocean again,
The next time I am on that train...
I was day dreaming of what would happen,
Then to erase everything, all it took was a second...

I try to get back to my meditation,
But I seem to have lost my patience...
Words dont seem to be depicting my emotion right now,
All I can do, is just take a bow...

And hope to sense your presence,
In this life's essence...
And ask you for one last thing,
To whoever reads this, you bring happiness.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Elasticity of Life

Sometimes to shine,
To experience something divine,
You dont have to try too hard,
Life itself will push you in the dark.

In the beginning you might cry,
And to search for some light you may try.

But hold on, let it get as dark as it can,
It will just make you a stronger man.
The darker it gets, more closer,
are you to the illuminated river,
which will help you flow to your destination unseen,
Something as big and beautiful as the mighty sea.

Because the lower you are pushed,
You will go even higher than you could,
Imagine yourself to go,
But then as you know,
Of the law of motion, that for every action,
there is an equal and opposite reaction...

However, then remember, dont go so deep into the darkness,
Dont get pushed down so much away from brightness,
That you are never able to rebound to the top,
As you know, after a certain point, the elasticity of life may stop...

Sunday, 6 May 2012

This Breeze, This Wind

This cold breeze that hits my face,
I ask it what does it have to say...

Speak to me, I command,
It acts as it didnt here my demand.

It just continues on its course,
Without even a trace of remorse...

I felt it had a message for me,
But it didnt have the time for tea...

And kept flowing towards its destination,
With its own form of child like elation...

Not even  noticing my presence,
Which made me look for the essence,
With which this wind flows undistracted,
Such determination, how did it crack it?

While thinking of this I meet a friend,
Which puts this analysis to an end...