As I see the first lights of dawn,

I start looking at life gone.

Things that once important had been,

Are now, nowhere to be seen.

What was earlier out of focus,

Is now an object of lust.

I try to concentrate on a thing, but something else attracts me more.

And as I try to cross the road,

Life seem to move fast.

Sometimes faster.

And all one can think of while trying to get across is just the bare necessities.

As the doors towards the end which proceed,

now start opening,

And past with the present is merging,

I drift away from the urban life,

And think of the end for which I would strive,

When I merge with the one,

Would I finally in a tomb be done?

Or in the crowd with foes and friends?

Perhaps, still be able to help others after my end..

Hi!! Above, I made a small something(I dont know what to call it) using my thoughts and some recently clicked photos by me.
Below are also links to 2 videos i uploaded on youtube:
PS: you need to copy paste them